
General Questions

Q: What is Wikiroutes?

A: Wikiroutes is a comprehensive global public transport directory that allows users to find, create, and edit public transport routes and stops. It's a collaborative platform utilized by millions worldwide.

Q: How do I register on Wikiroutes?

A: To register, provide a valid email address during the sign-up process. This will be used for account confirmation and password recovery. Remember, having multiple accounts is prohibited.

Q: Can I add a new route to Wikiroutes?

A: Yes, you can add a new route by selecting the correct city, ensuring the route doesn't already exist, and then following the steps outlined in the Editor’s guide under "Routes — Add/Edit."

Editing and Contributing

Q: How do I edit an existing route?

A: Go to the route page you wish to update, click "Edit this route," and follow the on-screen instructions. Make sure your edits adhere to our guidelines.

Q: What are the rules for creating and editing stops?

A: Stops can be created or edited by selecting the stop location on the map and entering the necessary information. Detailed guidelines are provided in the "Stops — Create move rename" section of the Editor’s guide.

Q: What should I do if I find duplicate routes or stops?

A: For users of level 2 and above, functionality to delete duplicates (merging) is available. Follow the steps in the "Stops — Remove duplicates" section for guidance.

Voting and Community Moderation

Q: How does voting on edits work?

A: Edits made by users are subject to community or administration voting. An edit is accepted or rejected based on accumulating 10 positive or negative votes, respectively.

Q: What criteria should I use when voting against an edit?

A: Vote against an edit for reasons such as fabricated data, lack of a data source for verification, incorrect data with evidence, or if the route already exists. Be sure to provide a clear reason for your decision.

User Levels and Responsibilities

Q: What are the different user levels on Wikiroutes?

A: There are three user levels: general users, Experienced Editors (Level 2), and Trusted Editors (Level 3). Each level comes with specific responsibilities and editing privileges.

Q: How do I become an Experienced or Trusted Editor?

A: Gaining these statuses requires a sufficient number of quality edits, regular activity, adherence to editing rules, and a positive contribution to the community. Specific criteria are outlined in the User guide.

Q: How can I earn achievements on Wikiroutes?

A: Achievements are awarded for various contributions, such as creating a certain number of routes, voting on edits, and participating in community moderation. Details on achievements can be found in the "Achievements" section of the User Guide.

Technical Support and Feedback

Q: Who do I contact for technical support or feedback?

A: For technical support or feedback, contact our team via the provided email, Facebook, or VKontakte pages. Details are available in the "Feedback and technical support" section of the User guide.

Q: Can I suggest improvements to the site?

A: Absolutely! We welcome suggestions for improving the site. Please contact the site administration through the provided channels.

Complaints and Inquiries about Transport Services

Q: Who should I contact for complaints about bus drivers, delayed transport, or lost items?

A: For complaints, requests, and inquiries about transport services, such as driver behavior, transport delays, or lost and found items, please contact the transport companies directly or use the transport management feedback system on your city's website. Wikiroutes is a public transport directory created by users and does not operate or manage any transport services.