Togo - list of cities and statistics


In Lome and around most other places in Togo, you will have the choice of two types of taxi: a car or riding as a pillion passenger on a motorbike. You can identify car taxis by their yellow license plates and they have their registration number painted on the car. Although not practical if you are traveling with luggage, moto-taxis are a quick way of zipping around the city since they can skip traffic and are more economical than their car counterpart. Although Togo has a railroad network, there are currently no passenger train services in operation. There is a south-north route from Lome to Cinkasse that is served by a large, air-conditioned bus known as the Climatize Bus. Otherwise, there are no buses in the usual sense operating in Togo. For every other destination that requires long-distance travel, you should seek out a ‘bush taxi’. These taxis are usually private cars, or sometimes minivans depending on the popularity of the route. The fare is charged per passenger, and cars leave when full, or you can hire the entire vehicle for your journey, but expect to pay more.
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