Palau - list of cities and statistics


Catching a taxi in Palau is relatively easy, especially in the city of Koror. From resorts and hotels, tourists can ask the concierge to find them a taxi or conveniently hail one from the curb-side. Instead of using meters, most taxis in the capital provide a fixed rate sheet that informs passengers of how much each journey will cost. It is possible to rent a taxi for the entire duration of a holiday. However, arrangements can only be made between the tourist and driver. Several states in Palau offer water ferry services to the city of Koror. Traveling by boat in Palau is relatively inexpensive and provides spectacular views of the surrounding maritime region. However, there are times when the seas can get rough. Travelers who are worried should ask a local guide about sea conditions before departing. There are no train services in Palau, and only Koror has a limited bus service that runs the streets of the largest city. If tourists want to get around without the use of car rental or taxis, they will need to use vans and tour buses, which are readily available through tour operators around the archipelago.
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