Guinea-Bissau - list of cities and statistics


Transport to Guinea (plan on 24 to 48 hours to reach Conakry, depending on road/taxi conditions) leaves from Gabú, crosses the border at Burunduma (Guinea-Bissau) and Kandika (Guinea) and traverses a rough pass through the beautiful Fouta Djalon mountains.There is an alternative, tougher route open only in the dry season linking southeastern Guinea-Bissau and western Guinea via Quebo. Once over the border (the actual Guinea immigration post is at a checkpoint far from the border), it takes about five hours on a mostly narrow, rough and winding road to reach Boke. In Boke you can get Guinean francs (it’s another three plus hours to the Conakry). The journey from Quebo is more suitable – not necessarily safer or more comfortable – on the back of a motorbike rather than a 4WD. Visas for Guinea can be acquired at its embassy in Bissau. Generally, they take several hours. Have your yellow-fever vaccination card handy for Guinea immigration at the border.
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