East Timor - list of cities and statistics

East Timor

As a direct consequence of the country’s poverty, transport infrastructure and communications network, are generally poor. The general condition of roads is poor, and telephone and Internet usage and capabilities are still limited, especially in the countryside. The country has six airports, one of which has commercial and international flights. There are no railroads. Taxis are the best form of transport within and around the main city in East Timor, especially if it’s your first time visiting. Most drivers are willing to take you to far off coastal areas and attractions as long as you’re willing to pay extra. Land travel between towns and cities, as well as the main border to West Timor is mainly done by bus as there isn’t any established rail system in the country. Cross-border buses offer direct services between Kupang (West Timor) and Dili. The Kupang-Dili route takes 12 hours and many minibus companies offer group or individual tickets.
List of cities
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