Costa Rica - list of cities and statistics

Costa Rica

There are a variety of options for moving between destinations in Costa Rica - domestic flights, rental cars, shuttles, private vans, ferries, public bus, and even horseback. Your travel routes, budget, and length of stay are all important factors to consider when deciding on one or a combination of these options, and the guide below can help with a detailed description of each travel mode. While transport modes may vary in flexibility and comfort, each is an opportunity to take in Costa Rica’s amazing scenery. Private transportation service offers a safe, convenient, and flexible way to travel anywhere within Costa Rica. Private transportation can be scheduled anytime you wish and from any airport, hotel, private home or identifiable landmark in Costa Rica. All the vehicles used for private transport are air conditioned, well-maintained minibuses (passenger vans) driven by reliable and punctual Costa Rican professionals, who are eager to help your group move safely about the country.
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