Anguilla - list of cities and statistics


One of the British overseas territories, the Caribbean island of Anguilla measures only 16 miles (26 km) long by 3 miles (4.8 km) wide, so transportation is simpler than in many countries. There is no public transportation, such as bus or rail systems, since there isn’t enough need. However, Anguilla’s roads are better maintained than on many Caribbean islands. Cars are the main means of transportation, with driving on the left-hand side of the road, as in the United Kingdom. Although speed limits rarely exceed 30 miles (48 km) per hour and traffic moves slowly, with the island’s small size it doesn’t take long to get anywhere. Taxi service is unmetered, with set rates published in tourist guides. In addition to regular transportation, taxis often offer island tours lasting several hours. Fares must be paid in cash. Other means of transportation include bikes, mopeds, motorcycles and walking. Because of the territory’s small land mass and flatter terrain, these methods make more sense on Anguilla than on many other Caribbean islands. Cars, bikes,mopeds and motorcycles are all available for rental at reasonable prices. Both well-known car rental agencies and local companies operate rental businesses. Groups may also charter a private bus for excursions.
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