Adding new cities, activity and user favorites

Adding new cities, activity and user favorites

Create new cities
Users with 2+ level can now add new cities in Wikiroutes database. Please be responsible when using this functionality, add a quality translation, coordinates and other parameters of the cities. Follow the rules for adding cities, published in the user's guide and do not abuse the addition of very small settlements.
All cities added by users appear in the list on moderation for some time and are available for editing by 2+ level users before the administrator submits them to the database. If you are confident about the quality of all the parameters of the added city, you can create routes and edits in it immediately after sending for moderation. If the city does not comply with the rules, then the administrator will have to delete it along with the edits and routes associated with it.

User Activity
A new tab "Activity" appeared in the user's profile. All users can now see their activity on the site: where they left comments, where and how they voted, and for users 2+ level 2 you can see which someone else’s edits they updated.

Favorite cities and routes
We began implementation of the functionality to add cities and routes to your favorites. In the first version all authorized users will see new buttons "Add to favorites" on the list of city routes page and the page with route information. All favorites can be found in the user profile in a separate tab.

The post will be updated later, when we finalize the functionality.

Looking forward to your feedback and suggestions in the comments below or in our Facebook and Vkontakte groups
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