Trajetória da rota no mapa
East 34th Street / Midtown
Governors Island
East 34th Street / Midtown → Governors Island
Governors Island → East 34th Street / Midtown
Ver paradas da rota no mapa
FecharDireções do Serviço
East 34th Street / Midtown → Governors Island
Governors Island → East 34th Street / Midtown
Datas e dias de operação
Dias úteis
Ano inteiro
06:40 - 20:20 a cada 35 min
Tipo e número do transporte:
Embarcação East River Ferry
Passa pelas ruas:
East River
Informações adicionais:
Governors Island is a seasonal attraction
and our service there is limited to weekends
between May 28th and September 25th. During
this time, Governors Island becomes the
southernmost stop on the ferry, immediately
after Pier 11/Wall St.
All passengers are required to present
a ticket prior to boarding. Tickets may be purchased at any ERF Ticket Vending
Machine, via the NY Waterway Mobile App, or from any location where a Ticket Agent is present. Please note that there are specific weekday and weekend ticket types.
Estatísticas da rota:
Distância da viagem №1: 10.48 km
Paradas: 8
Distância da viagem №2: 10.5 km
Paradas: 8
Edite esta rotaEncontrou um erro? Você pode corrigi-lo em apenas 2 minutos. Paradas: East 34th Street / Midtown → Governors Island
Paradas: Governors Island → East 34th Street / Midtown
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