Zambia - list of cities and statistics


There are many modes of transportation in Zambia to help you get around while you travel the country. For visitors, the easiest way to travel between main cities like Lusaka, Livingstone and Ndola is by domestic flight. This cuts out some bad roads, very long distances and saves times. However, if time permits and you want to all aspects of Zambia, then travelling by road can be rewarding. You can do this through Zambia car rentals. If you are travelling long distances then 4×4 hire is advisable. The inter-city coach service is dependable and another road travel option. When you are in an urban area the easiest way to get about in Zambia is by car hire. Alternatively you can use a taxi or the interesting mini bus service. Owen’s Taxi and Tours provides tours and activities within and outside Livingstone. Explore Zambia’s tourist capital and get to know the lifestyle of the locals, weather conditions and all the happenings. At the Victoria Falls, you can enjoy a wide selection of activities such as microlights, bungee jumping, gorge swings and river rafting.
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