Tuvalu - list of cities and statistics


Even the main island of Tuvalu is very small, at about five miles long and very thin. There is a taxi service available around the capital city of Funafuti which you can reach by calling Tongoland (+11-688-20674). Because of the islands’ small sizes, it is not commercially viable for companies to offer car rental service here. There is only one road on the main island of Vaiaku, which is about five miles long. To get around, it is best to take a leisurely stroll or hire a taxi. You can also ask your hotel about the transport services they offer. Tuvalu, an island group in the Pacific Ocean that stretches roughly 500 miles north to south, comprises of just nine islands or atolls. There are no scheduled commercial services between the islands so most people travel by private boat. Yacht charters are possible in Tuvalu.
List of cities
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