Suriname - list of cities and statistics


In order from cheapest to priciest, you can choose from scheduled government buses, private minibuses that leave when full from designated points, and minibuses that pick you up from your hotel. Trips to the interior cost significantly more than those on coastal routes. There are no train services operating anywhere in the country at this time, leaving local buses as the best way to travel between cities and regions in the country. Local buses are the cheapest and most popular mode of transport in the Suriname. Most of the buses are medium-sized but are referred to as “jumbos” which is quite ironic. There are both private and government-run bus companies. Government buses, while cheaper, are far more popular with locals and are often quite overcrowded and quite loud as drivers are in charge of musical entertainment for the trip. Both types of buses run from the capital Paramaribo to various other locations around the country including Albina, Nieuw Nickerie, and Paranam.
List of cities
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