Sint Maarten - list of cities and statistics

Sint Maarten

Buses in St. Maarten are a fun way to experience local culture. Here, they are called “jitneys” and make your transportation a party by blasting loud zouk music through the streets as they make their way around. Additionally, the experience is a slightly intimate one, as these jitneys typically carry only 12 to 14 passengers at one time. Buses run daily beginning at 7:00 a.m. and complete their last route at midnight, serving such large cities and Philipsburg and Simpson Bay. Because border laws are so lax, these buses travel back and forth between the French and Dutch sides of the island with ease, making stops in such towns as Grand Case and Marigot Bay. Each bus should have its destination posted on the vehicle, and it is not uncommon for them to stop for someone who is flagging them down on the side of the road.
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