Macedonia - list of cities and statistics


Taxis are the most popular means of travel for visitors to Macedonia, but it’s advisable to avoid drivers soliciting rides at train and bus stations. For the best service, take cabs from marked stands or call and book one from your hotel before you leave. Licensed cabs are easy to identify via the five-digit phone number beginning with 15 on the side of the vehicle. If you’re planning intercity travel, you can take a shared, unofficial cab with locals heading in the same destination. Intercity rail travel is economical and generally comfortable, although the network is somewhat limited due to the mountainous nature of the country. The fastest lines run between Skopje - Bitola and Skopje - Gevgelai, with local trains much slower. Visitors should note that Ohrid is not accessible by train, and longer-distance buses are the only public transport option.
List of cities
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