Trajectoire de l'itinéraire sur la carte
Metro "Khovrino"
Aeroport Sheremet'evo - Terminal D
Metro "Khovrino" → Aeroport Sheremet'evo - Terminal D
Aeroport Sheremet'evo - Terminal D → Metro "Khovrino"
See route stops on the map
CloseService Directions
Metro "Khovrino" → Aeroport Sheremet'evo - Terminal D
Aeroport Sheremet'evo - Terminal D → Metro "Khovrino"
Operating dates and week days
Whole year
05:00 - 00:20 every 20 min
Le genre et le numéro de transport:
Autobus 1195d (Moskva - Aeroport Sheremet'evo)
Passes dans les rues:
territoriya TPU "Severnye vorota" i Pribrezhnyy proezd (obratno: ulitsa Dybenko) - Bibliotechnyy proezd - trassa M-11 "Neva" - Mezhdunarodnoe shosse - territoriya aeroporta "Sheremet'evo"
Agence du transite:
OOO "Aeroekspress"
Information additionnelle:
Sushchestvuyut abonementy za 2850 rubley, rasschitan na 15 poezdok i za 4800 rubley, rasschitan na 30 poezdok
Orientirovochnoe vremya dvizheniya po marshrutu – 20 minut.
Dlya detey do 7 let proezd besplatnyy bez vydeleniya otdel'nogo mesta.
Statistiques de l'itinéraire:
The length of the trip line №1: 14.57 km
arrêts: 2
The length of the trip line №2: 12.76 km
arrêts: 2
arrêts: Metro "Khovrino" → Aeroport Sheremet'evo - Terminal D
arrêts: Aeroport Sheremet'evo - Terminal D → Metro "Khovrino"
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