Routes by people redeveloped and bug fixes

Routes by people redeveloped and bug fixes

Leave reviews to user ideas in redeveloped Routes by people project
Hello everyone, this month we decided to restart the Routes by people project. Now route ideas shall be perceived as user’s projects. You can write a detailed review on them just like on the existing routes.

Instead of the older system of voting “for” and “against” the idea, we introduced a more detailed system of reviews, where you can evaluate the idea on a 5-point scale and tell the author how often would you be using this route and for what purposes. Thus, the more people review the idea, the better the author will understand how this idea can be finalized, as well as learn about the potential demand for the proposed route. In addition, many transit agencies and city administrations will be interested to read such detailed reviews and might be willing to implement your idea.
The old rating system has been removed, but all user comments in the most popular ideas remained unchanged. In the near future, we will send a newsletter to all users who were active in the Routes by People project with a list of the most popular ideas in which they voted.

Sharing settings for Ideas
Now when editing an idea, you can specify the accessibility settings of the page. Two modes available: public and private. All existing ideas by default received a public access status. When you edit or create a new idea after the latest site update you can change the accessibility settings. Private ideas will not be visible to anyone except the authors of these ideas. The status of an idea can be changed an unlimited number of times. You can see the current status of the idea on the bottom panel.

Bug fixes

  • Remade the color scheme of the OSM2 map, as well as the display of icons, roads and other objects. We are working to improve the design of maps and their resolution
  • First version of a more convenient site navigation
  • Correction of numerous minor layout bugs. Work with spacing between elements, colors and icons
  • Correction of cities and routes database, mass addition of payment methods / prices after the request of editors
  • “Share page” functionality for social networks and messengers
  • Bug fixes on the edit page - the number of characters allowed in the fields
  • Fixes of the printed version of the most visited pages
  • Minor edits to rules in the user manual

Looking forward to your feedback and suggestions in the comments below or in our Facebook and Vkontakte groups
You can also send messages to [email protected]