Turkey - list of cities and statistics


There are daily regular passenger trains all through the network.TCDD has started an investment program of building 5.000 km high-speed lines until 2023. By February 2014, three high speed train routes are running. Ankara-Eskişehir, Ankara-Konya and Eskişehir-Konya. The freight transport is mainly organized as block trains for domestic routes, since TCDD discourages under 200 to loads by surcharges. Turkish taxis are fitted with digital meters. If your driver doesn’t start his, mention it right away by saying 'saatiniz’ (your meter). Check your driver is running the right rate, which varies from city to city. The gece (night) rate is 50% more than the gündüz (daytime) rate, but some places, including İstanbul, do not have a night rate. For most city buses you must buy your bilet (ticket) in advance at a special ticket kiosk. Kiosks are found at major bus terminals and transfer points, and sometimes attached to shops near bus stops. The fare is normally around ₺2. Private buses sometimes operate on the same routes as municipal buses; they are usually older, and accept either cash or tickets.