Saint Kitts and Nevis - list of cities and statistics

Saint Kitts and Nevis

The public buses are privately owned, but government-licensed, vans. They sometimes have a decorative name on the front, and they all have a green license plate where the number starts with the letter "H" or "HA". A bus may be flagged down anywhere along its route (not just at bus stop shelters), and the bus will also stop anywhere along its route (on request) to let off a passenger. All bus fees (in Eastern Caribbean or EC dollars) are $2.50 for a trip of 5 miles or under, $3.00 for a trip of 5 to 10 miles, and $3.75 for a trip over 10 miles. ($1 US = $2.7 EC). Destinations off of the main route are often possible on request, at the discretion of the driver, on payment of a small extra charge.
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