San Marino - list of cities and statistics

San Marino

San Marino Trains and Buses. There is a limited bus network operating at San Marino. However, the buses in the republic run between San Marino City and Rimini (a nearby coastal town in Italy). The closest station is found at Rimini, just 10 miles from the heart of the republic. There is a limited bus network operating at San Marino. However, the buses in the republic run between San Marino City and Rimini (a nearby coastal town in Italy). There are more than half a dozen runs per day, and the return journey generally takes anywhere between 40 and 50 minutes. Buses stop at some 20 different destinations in San Marino and near Rimini, so tourists can use this option for getting around parts of the republic. Tourists need to be reminded that aerial tramways and gondola cable facilities connect the upper conurbations of San Marino to the lower urban areas.There are no trains operating in San Marino. The closest station is found at Rimini, just 10 miles from the heart of the republic.