Nicaragua - list of cities and statistics


Transport in Nicaragua revolves around road and sea transportation modalities. Taxis are available in Managua and other cities, and can be hailed on the street. Drivers will not run on a meter, so the price of your journey should be negotiated first. In Managua it is common for drivers to pick up other passengers headed the same way, and they pay an additional fee to the driver. Boat travel is the only way to access the Ometep or ‘Solentiname islands on Lake Nicaragua. The fastest trip is from San Jorge (near Rivas), although a longer route is possible from the northern end of the lake at the town of Granada. The Granada service is very limited, about twice per week, although it is a leisurely cruise and a great way to experience the grandeur of the lake if your trip coincides with the scheduled departure.There have been no trains in Nicaragua since 2006. The main form of getting around the country is by buses, which are usually old US yellow school buses (although often painted in fantastic colors). These services are an economical way of getting around Nicaragua, although they are often crowded since the bus will aim to be at maximum capacity before departing. Mini-buses, known by the locals as ‘microbuses’, are more comfortable, and a quicker way to travel between major destinations.
List of cities
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