Libya - list of cities and statistics


Taxi travel around major towns is the preferred method of getting around for most visitors. Small black and white vehicles, affectionately known in the expat community as "death pandas," provide cab services and have slightly more cautious drivers, an advantage when traveling on Libya’s pot-holed, secondary urban roads. Libyan taxis consider it essential to overcharge vacationers wherever possible, so always negotiate a fare before you depart. If you’re lucky and find a good driver with a well-maintained vehicle, definitely take his phone number and use him for the rest of the trip. There are no train services in Libya, and the formerly frequent, inexpensive city buses are still non-functional due to damages sustained during the civil war. A few are running, but road conditions have extended the journeys with the route from Tripoli to Benghazi taking 14 hours or more, including frequent breaks for meals and tea. At present, long-distance bus travel is not recommended. Shared taxis also link Libyan cities, but are also not considered safe.
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