Guyana - list of cities and statistics


The transportation sector comprises the physical infrastructure, docks and vehicle, terminals, fleets, ancillary equipment and service delivery of all the various modes of transportation operating in Guyana. The transportation services, transportation agencies providing these services, the organizations and people who plan, build, maintain, and operate the system, and the policies that mold its development. Public transportation around Guyana’s capital Georgetown is provided by privately owned mini buses which operate in allocated zones for which there is a well-regulated fare structure. This arrangement extends to all mini bus routes throughout the country. There are designated bus stops for mini buses for most routes but some buses still pick up passengers at virtually any point on their routes. This practice often poses a serious inconvenience to other vehicles by disrupting the normal flow of traffic. Taxis have freer movement around the city and into rural areas. The network of routes has a number of identifiable starting points which are concentrated in the Stabroek area and along the Avenue of the Republic between Croal and Robb Streets. Road conditions vary immensely, and maintenance is sometimes deficient.
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