Angola - list of cities and statistics


The only means of public transport is on buses, which are run by the Transporte Colectivo Urbano de Luanda. This is a state owned company that that runs 40 bus lines within the city of Luanda as well as over-country bus lines to other cities within the country. The most popular means of transport is in mini bus taxis called Candonguerios. These buses are distinctly painted blue and white and are popular with the local population. There are also other taxi services in the city. Roads were damaged heavily during the civil war and generally were in state of disrepair after the war. Since however, the government has invested heavily in road infrastructure and roads within the city are much better. In 2012, the government finished the construction of three roads within Luanda at the cost $600 million. These roads helped to link industrial hubs and new urban areas, and are thus strategically and economically important. Roads in many informal areas are completely undeveloped. This rail line is aided in the ease of exports by the modernization of the port terminal. The port has acted as a bottleneck for development due to its long waiting periods, with ships unable to unload. In 2010 the government spent $350 million in efforts to restructure the port to make it more efficient. The company that runs the port, Sogester, invested $150 million in computer systems and training to make the port operate more smoothly.
List of cities
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