Bewegungsbahn der Route auf der Karte
Tramvaynoe depo
Metro "Shchukinskaya"
Tramvaynoe depo → Metro "Shchukinskaya"
Metro "Shchukinskaya" → Tramvaynoe depo
See route stops on the map
Tramvaynoe depo → Metro "Shchukinskaya"
Metro "Shchukinskaya" → Tramvaynoe depo
Operating dates and week days
Whole year
05:45 - 20:00 every 15 min
Art und Routennummer:
Bus 640k
ulitsa Marshala Vasilevskogo - Novoshchukinskaya ulitsa - Stroginskiy most - Stroginskoe shosse - ulitsa Marshala Katukova - Tallinskaya ulitsa - ulitsa Tvardovskogo - proektiruemyy proezd 120
GUP "Mosgortrans" (12-y avtobusnyy park)
Zusätzliche Informationen:
Statistiken der Route:
The length of the trip line №1: 6.96 km
Anzahl der Haltestelen: 14
The length of the trip line №2: 7.4 km
Anzahl der Haltestelen: 13
Haltestellen: Tramvaynoe depo → Metro "Shchukinskaya"
Haltestellen: Metro "Shchukinskaya" → Tramvaynoe depo
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