Zusätzliche Informationen:
V mezhpikovoe vremya vse reysy vypolnyayutsya po ukorochennomu marshrutu "Okolitsa - Promploshchadka".
Ostanovka "OAO «Azot»" ne yavlyaetsya konechnoy ostanovkoy. Pri sledovanii ot promploshchadki v storonu goroda vysadka na ney neobyazatel'na.
Otpravlenie ot ostanovki "Promploshchadka" (s zaezdom k OAO "Azot"):
Rabochie dni: 06:17, 06:31, 06:46, 07:00, 07:15, 07:29, 07:43, 07:58, 08:12, 16:56, 17:25, 17:43, 17:54, 18:22, 18:37, 18:51, 19:06, 19:34, 19:49, 20:20, 20:50
Vykhodnye dni: 06:17, 06:35, 06:53, 07:11, 07:29, 07:47, 08:05, 08:23, 16:56, 17:08, 17:32, 17:54, 18:26, 18:44, 19:02, 19:38, 19:56, 20:14
Statistiken der Route:
The length of the trip line №1: 12.03 km
Anzahl der Haltestelen: 21
The length of the trip line №2: 11.3 km
Anzahl der Haltestelen: 22
The length of the trip line №3: 9.86 km
Anzahl der Haltestelen: 18
The length of the trip line №4: 10.16 km
Anzahl der Haltestelen: 20