Bewegungsbahn der Route auf der Karte
Terminal Leuwipanjang
Terminal Leuwipanjang
See route stops on the map
Terminal Leuwipanjang → Terminal Leuwipanjang
Operating dates and week days
Whole year
05:00 - 19:00 every 60 min
Art und Routennummer:
Bus 1D
Terminal Leuwipanjang - Hotel Grand Pasundan - Bumi Kopo Kencana - Mall Festival Citylink - Simpang Pasir Koja 1 - SPBU Pasir Koja - Hotel Soreang A - Mall Pelayanan Publik - Plaza Pemkab Bandung - Simpang Desa Soreang - Pasar Ikan Modern - RSUD Otto Iskandar Dinata - Samsat Soreang - Geo Dipa Energi - Hotel Soreang B - Sumber Sari Junction - Pasar Caringin -
Leuwipanjang Soekarno Hatta - Terminal Leuwipanjang
Trans Metro Pasundan
Zusätzliche Informationen:
Free bus - but you need a local NFC card for boarding the bus; some stops in Soreang might not operational due to conflict with local minibus drivers
Statistiken der Route:
The length of the trip line №1: 38.16 km
Anzahl der Haltestelen: 19
Haltestellen: Terminal Leuwipanjang → Terminal Leuwipanjang
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