Bewegungsbahn der Route auf der Karte
krug poselka Gala
Shkola №186
krug poselka Gala → Shkola №186
Shkola №186 → krug poselka Gala
See route stops on the map
krug poselka Gala → Shkola №186
Shkola №186 → krug poselka Gala
Operating dates and week days
Whole year
06:00 - 23:00 every 15 min
Art und Routennummer:
Bus 150
Pryamoe napravlenie: krug poselka Gala - Pirallakhinskaya doroga - poselok Dubyandi - zh/st Dyubyandi - poselok Goshagyshlag - Tsvetovodstvo "Zirya" - Ekopark poselka Zirya - poselok Gyurgyan - ostrov Pirallakhi - Pirallakhinskaya poliklinika - ulitsa Samed Vurguna - Shkola №168 - Otdelenie politsii Pirallakhinskogo rayona - Shkola №186
Obratnoe napravlenie: ostrov Pirallakhi - Shkola №186 - ulitsa Samed Vurguna - Otdelenie politsii Pirallakhinskogo rayona - Shkola №168 - Pirallakhinskaya poliklinika - poselok Gyurgyan - Pirallakhinskaya doroga - Ekopark poselka Zirya - Tsvetovodstvo "Zirya" - poselok Goshagyshlag - poselok Dyubyandi - zh/st Dyubyandi - krug poselka Gala
OOO "6 Dost"
Zusätzliche Informationen:
Stoimost' proezda:
poselok Gala - ostrov Pirallakhi - 50 kopeek
po ostrovu Pirallakhi - 40 kopeek
Statistiken der Route:
The length of the trip line №1: 24.87 km
Anzahl der Haltestelen: 21
The length of the trip line №2: 24.52 km
Anzahl der Haltestelen: 20
Haltestellen: krug poselka Gala → Shkola №186
Haltestellen: Shkola №186 → krug poselka Gala
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