Bewegungsbahn der Route auf der Karte
M. Neftchilyar
Shkola №221
M. Neftchilyar → Shkola №221
Shkola №221 → M. Neftchilyar
See route stops on the map
Operating dates and week days
Whole year
05:30 - 22:00 every 6 min
Art und Routennummer:
Bus 51
Pryamoe napravlenie: m|st Neftchilyar - prospekt Gara Garaeva - Bazar 8-ogo km. - m|st Khalglar Dostlugu - m|st Akhmedly - Ukrainskiy krug - m|st Azi Aslanova - ulitsa Khudu Mamedova - Respublikanskaya bol'nitsa neyrokhirurgii - Kafe "Nargilya" - prospekt 8 noyabrya - Voennyy litsey imeni Dzhamshida Nakhichevanskogo - ulitsa Polada Gashimova - Shkola №221
Obratnoe napravlenie: Shkola №221 - ulitsa Polada Gashimova - Voennyy litsey imeni Dzhamshida Nakhichevanskogo - prospekt 8 noyabrya - Kafe "Nargilya" - Respublikanskaya bol'nitsa neyrokhirurgii - ulitsa Khudu Mamedova - m|st Azi Aslanova - Ukrainskiy krug - m|st Akhmedly - m|st Khalglar Dostlugu - prospekt Gara Garaeva - Bazar 8-ogo km. - m|st Neftchilyar - Universitet "Khazar" - ulitsa Bakira Chobanzade - Gospital' "Bona Dia" - m|st Neftchilyar
OOO "Bus-Trans"
Zusätzliche Informationen:
Statistiken der Route:
The length of the trip line №1: 12.46 km
Anzahl der Haltestelen: 30
The length of the trip line №2: 15.1 km
Anzahl der Haltestelen: 35
Haltestellen: M. Neftchilyar → Shkola №221
Haltestellen: Shkola №221 → M. Neftchilyar
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