Bewegungsbahn der Route auf der Karte
Almaty II stansasy
Қapshaғay stantsiyasy
Almaty II stansasy → Қapshaғay stantsiyasy
Қapshaғay stantsiyasy → Almaty II stansasy
See route stops on the map
Almaty II stansasy → Қapshaғay stantsiyasy
Қapshaғay stantsiyasy → Almaty II stansasy
Operating dates and week days
Whole year
Art und Routennummer:
Zug 6906I/6907I (Almaty - Kunaev)
liniya "Berlik-1 − Sary-Ozek" KTZh
KTZh - AO "Passazhirskie perevozki"
Zusätzliche Informationen:
Raspisanie 6906I
Pribytie Stoyanka Otpravlenie
ALMATY 2 18:40:00
ALMATY 1 19:00:00
BAYSERKE 19:21:00 00:02:00 19:23:00
ZhETYGEN 19:45:00 00:02:00 19:47:00
OP 1612 KM 20:09:00 00:04:00 20:13:00
KAPChAGAY 20:17:00
Raspisanie 6907I
Pribytie Stoyanka Otpravlenie
KAPChAGAY 05:27:00
OP 1612 KM 06:05:00 00:04:00 06:09:00
ZhETYGEN 06:31:00 00:02:00 06:33:00
BAYSERKE 06:54:00 00:02:00 06:56:00
ALMATY 1 07:17:00
Almaty 1 - Kapchagay - 450 tenge
Almaty 1 - selo Bayserke - 113 tenge
Almaty 1 - selo Zhetygen - 281 tenge
Almaty 1 - Stantsiya OP 1612 km - 394 tenge
Selo Bayserke - selo Zhetygen - 168 tenge
Selo Bayserke - OP 1612 KM - 281 tenge
Selo Bayserke - Kapchagay - 337 tenge
Selo Zhetygen - OP 1612 KM - 168 tenge
Selo Zhetygen - Kapchagay - 168 tenge
OP 1612 KM - Kapchagay - 67 tenge
Statistiken der Route:
The length of the trip line №1: 80.01 km
Anzahl der Haltestelen: 10
The length of the trip line №2: 79.97 km
Anzahl der Haltestelen: 10
Haltestellen: Almaty II stansasy → Қapshaғay stantsiyasy
Haltestellen: Қapshaғay stantsiyasy → Almaty II stansasy
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